House of Franchise, formerly known as JC Worldwide Franchise Inc., was founded in 2006 by two visionary entrepreneurs, Jonathan So and Carlito Macadangdang. Initially drawn to the potential of food franchising, the duo soon realized that creating their own franchising business was a more viable and rewarding path. This decision laid the foundation for what would become a significant player in the industry.
Their first brand, Jo’s Waffle House, was a success and paved the way for a series of innovative franchise brands like Siomai King, Noodle House, Siopao Da King, and Burger Factory. These brands quickly gained recognition for their unique products and strategic marketing approaches.
In 2015, the business diversified to include JC Premiere, a line of wellness, cosmetics, and health products featuring the popular JC organic barley from New Zealand. By 2018, House of Franchise had solidified its position as a leader in the food cart franchise sector, with Siomai King boasting over 1,000 locations.
The COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges, but it also spurred HOF’s digital transformation. The introduction of the online franchise platform “shoplinks” and the multifunctional super app “toktok” revolutionized consumer engagement and streamlined business operations. This innovation demonstrated their resilience and commitment to adapting to changing market conditions.
Jonathan So and Carlito Macadangdang’s efforts were recognized in 2023 when a reputable magazine named them among the People of the Year. Their success story serves as an inspiration for aspiring Filipino entrepreneurs.
House of Franchise offers a comprehensive range of franchise opportunities, backed by expert guidance, making it a one-stop shop for franchising needs. It houses some of the country’s most well-known franchises, including Siomai King, Mang Boks, and Boy Bondat.
The recognition and awards received by House of Franchise, such as the Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Award and the Asia Leader Awards, underscore their dedication to excellence, customer satisfaction, and ethical business practices. These achievements highlight their role in fostering innovation and growth within the franchising industry.